Partner Organizations


The Home School Legal Defense Association was established in 1983 as a means to provide low-cost, high quality legal defense to a large (and rapidly growing) number of home educators. 

HSLDA takes its commitment to home education seriously. Their attorneys are all parents who have, are, or will home educate their own children.

For $130 per year ($115 for Homeschool New York members), HSLDA will represent you with legal counsel for any problems you encounter regarding your right to home educate your children. Also provided is Court Report, a monthly newsletter with information on the current legal issues from around the country.

Joining HSLDA is simple, go to their website by clicking on the HSLDA logo below or request an application from: HSLDA, PO Box 3000, Purcellville, VA 20134. You may also contact HSLDA by phone at 540-338-5600. Please write on your application that you were referred by Homeschool New York. This causes a small referral benefit to accrue for Homeschool New York / NYS LEAH. (Using this link to join causes the referral benefit to happen automatically. Thank you for your assistance in helping keep our membership dues low.)

To receive your discount, you will need our affiliation number – you may obtain this number from your Chapter Leader or Regional Rep. Insert this number in the appropriate place on the application and your discount will be applied.

In addition to legal defense services for members, HSLDA closely tracks and works to influence Federal legislation that poses a risk to home educators. On the state level, HSLDA has worked with state homeschool organizations to push for legislation and regulations favorable to home education and to oppose bills that are adverse to homeschooling rights. Many other benefits and services are available to HSLDA members.

NHERI: National Home Education Research Institute

What is NHERI? NHERI is the National Home Education Research Institute. NHERI conducts and collects research about homeschooling (home-based education, home schooling), and publishes the research journal called the Home School Researcher. The institute has hundreds of research works documented and catalogued on home schooling, many of which were done by NHERI. Simply put, NHERI specializes in homeschool research, facts, statistics, scholarly articles, and information.

NHERI exists to do the following things:

  • To research, study, and understand those who teach their children at home.
  • To publish the peer-reviewed research journal called the Home School Researcher, which chronicles the current research being done about home schooling.
  • To speak to the media, legislators, and national organizations about the home schooling movement, showing factual evidence-based research about those who teach their children at home.
  • To serve as conference speakers and teachers for groups interested in home schooling.
  • To work with legislators on issues related to parental rights and children’s rights, freedom that parents — internationally and globally — have to teach their children at home, and homeschoolers coordinating with local school officials.

Services that NHERI provides on a regular basis include:

  • Speaking to homeschooling and other types of conferences about homeschool research.
  • Giving seminars and lectures on how to teach children at home.
  • Doing state-, national-level, and international-level research about the home schooling community.
  • Speaking to the media (television, radio, newspaper, etc.) about homeschooling issues.
  • Providing referrals to expert witness services in courts and legislatures.

Parental Rights : The Issue of Our Lifetime

Developments that would radically alter the relationship between parents and their children are progressing unnoticed by many. These developments would enable, and even require, the federal government to overrule many of the decisions that parents have routinely made for generations on behalf of the children’s well-being. Learn more about these developments that are likely to become the issue and battle of our lifetimes by going to, an organization dedicated to protecting the rights of parents to control the upbringing and education of their children. logo

​We give you the tools to be a confident home educator!

Homeschool New York began in order to protect the God-given and constitutional rights to home educate in New York state, regardless of ones philosophy of education or religious affiliation, and to provide the necessary support for homeschool families.

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