OUR PURPOSE is to have a voice in the legislative process here in New York by sharing with our elected officials the goals, heart, and passion of New York’s home educators in support of parental rights and school choice.
One of the ways that we can fulfill this purpose is to have a Legislative Day that gives home educators from across New York State an opportunity to share their own experiences and convictions with their elected officials in Albany.
This will be a virtual event, held via Zoom. There will be two Orientation & Training sessions on Tuesday April 13th, at 3 pm and 7 pm, for you to choose from. The Legislative Day will be on Tuesday, April 20th, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. After a general meeting together, we will break into a series of meetings with key Legislators and Regulators and you will have the opportunity to participate in several of those. These meetings will be facilitated by a Board member of HomeschoolNewYork, and will provide an opportunity to interact with that Legislator or Regulator regarding homeschooling in general and specific legislation as well. Part way through the day we will gather together again for an encouraging time with a national homeschool leader, too!
We are homeschoolers, so of course this is a family – friendly event! We encourage you to have your children present during the meetings, and your teens will benefit from participating in the training and orientation sessions. Every Individual Home Instruction Programs (IHIP) has a section for Citizenship, participating in this event together with your children is a great way to accomplish that!
Homeschool New York / NYS LEAH is a Christian organization. Our Christian faith directs our Legislative and Public Policy efforts to protect and expand the freedom of all parents to home educate their children, regardless of whether they are our members or not. We seek to stand together with all of New York’s homeschoolers in the public square to advocate together for our rights. Are you ready?