Homeschool New York Directory
Official Mailing Address
PO Box 634
Elmira, NY 14902
LEAH President
Rob & Jen Snyder –
David Forrest
(for bills, invoices, etc)
Special Needs Coordinator
Mary Fratianni
Press Contact:
The Messenger (Our Quarterly Magazine)
Website Administrator- Rob Snyder
Regional Representatives
Regional Representative contact info
Phone Number
It is often faster & more efficient to contact us via the email links on this page.
Homeschool New York Directory- Commercial Solicitations and Product Publicity
Homeschool New York receives a substantial number of solicitations and product samples from individuals and companies desiring that we assist them by publicizing to the homeschool community. All unsolicited samples are sent to us at the sender’s risk. Furthermore, we regret that we are not able to adequately review, publicize, and/or recommend products to our membership.
We do however offer a several methods to enable you to communicate to our membership.
- Advertising in our quarterly newsletter, The Messenger. Please note that if you have a time-sensitive advertisement, you should carefully coordinate your advertising purchase with the Messenger Staff as we are not always able to meet our print and mailing schedule.
Advertise via our various social media options.
Homeschooling Research
We receive numerous requests from college students and other individuals desiring our assistance as they conduct research into various facets of homeschooling. Unfortunately, we would literally wear out our membership if we were to routinely forward all such requests to them for survey and other research participation. As such, we regret that we are generally unable to assist in any homeschooling research. Those interested in homeschooling research are encouraged to contact the National Home Education Research Institute.
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
President- Rob & Jen Snyder
Vice President- Scott & Erica Matthews
Treasurer- David & Lucy Forrest
Secretary- Dan & Kathryn DiFrancesco
Regional Representatives
Adirondacks/Albany- Scott & Erica Matthews
Binghamton/Southern Tier- Bill & Cheryl Moy
Buffalo/Western NY- Dan & Kathryn DiFrancesco
Hudson Valley- Rob & Jen Snyder (Interim)
Long Island- Michael & Erin Sands
Metro NYC – John & Frania Corniel
Rochester/Finger Lakes- Louis & Sherry Sabo
Syracuse/Central NY- Marty & Rita Reed
We give you the tools to be a confident home educator!
Homeschool New York began in order to protect the God-given and constitutional rights to home educate in New York state, regardless of ones philosophy of education or religious affiliation, and to provide the necessary support for homeschool families.