March Albany Day

Help protect Homeschool Freedom in New York!
Do you hate politics? Do you love politics? Maybe both, depending on the time and circumstances? As a homeschooler in New York, no matter how you feel about politics, embracing the political process is essential. Our freedom to educate our children ourselves, away from the influence and control of the State, hangs in the balance. It’s the politicians, those they appoint, and those they hire who can pass laws and implement regulations that take those freedoms away. Or, they can understand the importance of homeschool freedom and come to support and protect it!
Join us in Albany on Tuesday, March 18th, from 9:30am – 1pm for our next monthly Albany Day, which will help prepare the way for our Legislative Days on May 14th & 15th.
We will continue to visit the offices of each member of the Education Committees in the Senate and Assembly to update them on our bills, thank those who are already sponsors, and encourage the others to sign on!
We are scheduling meetings with key Committee members.
Each family will also visit the offices of their Senator and Assembly Rep to update them on Homeschool New York’s Legislative activities.
This is not a job for eloquent speakers, perfect families, or veteran lobbyists. This is a job for real homeschooling parents and their children of all ages. Don’t worry about what you will say – we will provide training and materials that morning. This is a God-given opportunity to be salt and light to those who may not understand the hope that is in Christ. The best way for them to learn about the value of homeschool freedom is talking to real homeschool families, just like yours.
Click on this link, read over the details, and sign up to join us on March 18th!
In His service and yours,
The Legislative Team of Homeschool New York
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