Homeschooling Adventures: Exploring Educational Opportunities in Lake George, NY

Are you looking for exciting and educational experiences for your homeschooling family? Lake George, NY, offers a treasure trove of learning opportunities that will captivate both kids and adults alike. From history to nature, arts to culture, there’s something for everyone in this picturesque region. Join us as we explore the educational wonders of Lake George, NY, perfect for homeschooling families like yours.

Dive Into History

Step back in time at the Fort William Henry Museum and explore life during the French and Indian War through interactive exhibits and demonstrations or visit Fort Ticonderoga on the northern tip of the Lake. Walk in the footsteps of Revolutionary War soldiers at Saratoga National Historical Park, where you can explore preserved battlefields and learn about the pivotal battles that shaped America’s history. These sites provide a fascinating glimpse into the region’s history and culture. Explore at the Adirondack Experience, an immersive experience that tells the compelling story of the Adirondack region’s past, present and future.

Nature and Environmental Education

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lake George with the Lake George Land Conservancy‘s guided hikes and educational programs focused on conservation and preservation. At the Up Yonda Farm Environmental Education Center, learn about the local ecosystem through hands-on programs and exhibits focused on the natural world. They also have hiking trails! The Lake George Association runs a program aboard a boat they call  the Floating Classroom. This informative and interactive family program aboard the Rosalia Anna Ashby provides the opportunity to learn about the remarkable ecology and health of the Lake — and how to protect it — through hands-on activities and experiments.

Arts & Culture

Discover the vibrant arts and culture scene of Lake George at The Hyde Collection, featuring art from European and American masters. The Lake George Arts Project offers exhibitions and workshops highlighting local artists, perfect for inspiring young creatives. Visit the World Awareness Children’s Museum, a unique, hands-on children’s museum featuring art, artifacts and activities from around the world. Children create culturally inspired experiences to help them form positive ideas about people with whom they share the world. The Adirondack Folk School focuses on preserving and sharing the history and culture of our legendary region through teaching the arts, crafts and traditions of the Adirondacks. 

Educational Events & Workshops

Throughout the year, Lake George hosts a variety of educational events and workshops tailored for homeschooling families. From nature walks to historical reenactments, art classes to culinary workshops, there’s always something new and exciting to learn. Some events include:

  • Ticonderoga: Living History Event – Memorial Day Weekend – May 25-26
  • Fort William Henry: Memorial Day Salute – May 27
  • LARAC Arts Festival in Glens Falls- June 8-9
  • Ticonderoga: Living History Event – Scots Day – June 15
  • Ticonderoga, Best 4th in the North Celebration – July 1
  • Fort William Henry: Reading of the Declaration of Independence – July 4-6
  • Lake George Land Conservancy Hike-A-Thon – July 5
  • Free Day at World Awareness Children’s Museum (WAMC) – July 12
  • Ticonderoga Battle Reenactment: 1759 Siege of Carillon – July 20-21
  • Ticonderoga: Living History Event – The Sounds of 1776 – July 27-28
  • Fort William Henry: Surrender of Fort Willian Henry – August 9
  • Free Day at WACM – August 11
  • Fort William Henry: Last of the Mohicans Interactive Movie – August 23
  • Annual Homeschool Day at Fort Ticonderoga – September 6
  • Free Day at WACM – September 8
  • Fort William Henry: Basics of Wooden Ship Hull Construction – September 14
  • Ticonderoga Battle Reenactment: 1777 Brown’s Raid – September 14-15 Fort
  • Ticonderoga Annual Heritage Harvest & Horse Festival – October 5
  • Free Day at WACM – October 13

For a full list of events in 2024, visit our events list.

Plan Your Homeschooling Adventure

Lake George, NY, is more than just a vacation destination; it’s a classroom waiting to be explored. With its rich history, diverse ecosystem, and vibrant arts scene, Lake George offers endless opportunities for homeschooling families to learn, grow, and connect with each other and the world around them.

With a wide range of activities to choose from, you’re sure to create lasting memories and valuable learning experiences for your family. If you are interested in a trip, we have put together some resources to help you:

If you have any questions, or would like help making this a reality, send me a message at

Get Connected

Membership in LEAH is through a local chapter. A LEAH Chapter typically provides opportunities to meet with experienced home educators, field trips, athletic activities, and various other events.

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NYS LEAH is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) primarily supported by member families through annual dues. If you are interested in furthering the homeschooling mission in New York and would like to donate please click on the link below. We’re eternally grateful for your partnership and support of homeschooling families throughout New York.

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